
Copy of Jeff Williams-Tracy, Attorney

Securing Legal Ties for Families


Advocating for ethical family formation for two decades

Creating a family is one of life's richest rewards. Choosing to build your family through assisted reproduction, surrogacy and adoption gives rise to new risks and considerations. You will want a lawyer who can help build a legally secure family. For two decades Jeff Williams-Tracy has been a leader in assisted reproduction technology (ART) law. Jeff guides domestic and international intended parents and gestational carriers to help bring order to this multifaceted process.

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For two decades Jeff Williams-Tracy has been a leader in family formation. 




Henderson, Nystrom, Fletcher & Tydings, PLLC

831 E. Morehead Street, Suite 255
Charlotte, NC 28202


(704) 401-0007

Areas of Practice


Gestational Surrogacy agreements

A surrogacy agreement is a complex legal document. Drafting a surrogacy agreement is a collaborative effort between the intended parents and the gestational carrier, both of whom are represented by independent counsel. The agreement should define each party's role, rights, expectations and responsibilities. Drafting the agreement is a chance for everyone's requests and interests to be represented, carefully outlining how both sides believe the process should proceed.

Pre-Birth orders

In North Carolina it is presumed that a woman who gives birth to a child is the mother of that child and her name will be placed on the birth certificate. A Pre-Birth order declares parentage and specifies the contents of the child's birth certificate. Typically a court hearing is held before the child's birth, and when appropriate, a judge will sign the Pre-Birth Order.

Egg Donation and Embryo Adoption

Many couples who cannot conceive adopt an embryo from another couple or acquire a sperm or egg donation. Jeff provides legal services and advice when an embryo or egg is needed in addition to a surrogate. Services include drafting and providing legal review of agreements. 


Jeff consults with prospective parents regarding their rights and responsibilities as adoptive parents. He assists families, blended families, single parents, step-parents and adoptive parents to establish the legal relationship of parent and child. Jeff does not assist with international adoptions but regularly performs work for interstate adoptions.

Birth Certificates

Intended parents who obtain a Pre-Birth Order will have their names placed on the child's birth certificate at birth. Birth certificate amendments can be necessary to correct erroneous information on the original birth certificate when a name changes. In some international third-party reproduction cases, post-birth orders are required from the North Carolina Courts. In those cases the child's original birth certificate may need to be amended.  

Agency and Clinic agreements

Agencies and clinics will have documents for you to sign to retain their services. These consents and agreements are sometimes complex, lengthy and detailed. Before these documents are executed, Jeff often reviews these documents and answers his clients' questions.


Let's Talk.

Use the form below to contact Jeff regarding your legal inquiry. You may also email or call to make an appointment.